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Direct-Hire Authority Under 5 U.S.C. § 3304: Usage and Outcomes : U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board, Office of Policy and Evaluations Perspectives , February , 2021

February 2021

U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board, Office of Policy and Evaluations Perspectives

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From the report: “Direct-hire authorities (DHAs) allow agencies to use streamlined procedures to appoint new employees without regard to some key merit system and public policy provisions, such as applicant rating and ranking and veterans’ preference. Because DHAs are often easier and faster to use than competitive service procedures, they tend to grow in popularity quickly. In fact, all types of direct-hire appointments accounted for almost 30 percent of competitive service hires in fiscal year (FY) 2018. This research brief explores one specific type of DHA and examines the extent to which that authority is used, the outcomes achieved, and the reported advantages and disadvantages of its use.”



U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board, Office of Policy and Evaluations Perspectives


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